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Awards of Distinction Finalist Spotlight: Art

Date Published: April 29, 2020

What about your business / organization is inspiring to you?

Bridge Music: Using the structure of the Mid-Hudson Bridge to create music; delivering it ON the bridge itself; an sound-art installation with the mountains, sky and river as its theater; providing enjoyment and reflection to the community free of charge for 11 years; that is inspiring.

Jazz in the Valley: In our 20th year, it continues to amaze me how impactful it is to bring world renowned jazz musicians to the Hudson Valley, instilling pride of culture in local communities of color and attracting cross-cultural visitors to our community.

MJN - Majed J. Nesheiwat Convention Center: The way we serve a wide variety of ages, interests, genres for the community.  We go from hosting a child animal educational expo to seniors speed-skaters.  We are open to recreation, entertainment to emergency shelter, graduations, funeral or food banks to church services.  

How is your business / organization handling the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Bridge Music: Though the Listening Stations component just opened in April, I haven’t advertised it - one has to go there and touch the buttons for playback and experience it for themselves. The Park Radio component is up and runs 365 days a year, so that hasn’t changed, so advertising that during this time is something I will do!

Jazz in the Valley: Plans for this year's festival change daily; our priority is creating a safe environment while keeping the music alive. What form this year's celebration will take and when is still being discussed -- but celebrate we will!

MJN - Majed J. Nesheiwat Convention Center: We are full steam ahead, although we are not open to the public and receiving no income coming in. We have retained all of our full-time staff, we are working everyday planning future events, rescheduling shows, planning next seasons hockey and figure skating programs.

What are your hopes for the future of travel in Dutchess County?

Bridge Music: I hope the draw of arts and history tourism continues to grow in the minds of local politicians and business persons as something they should heavily invest in through artist commissions, music/art/film/theater festivals. 

Jazz in the Valley: We look forward to the expansion of collaborations with the City of Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Tourism and our other partners to attract more and new visitors to local restaurants, accommodations and other services. Together we are making Dutchess a cultural tourism destination.

MJN - Majed J. Nesheiwat Convention Center: We hope that we can continue to be an anchor facility in bringing tourist to our community. Over the last four years we have brought in more people from out of Dutchess County than what we have done in two decades. Our new shows/events draw people from over 18 states, 5 countries, spanning ages from 2 years old to 99 years old. Driving direct revenue to local businesses and the city and county. We look to exponentially grow our economic impact. 

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